Sunday, September 16, 2018

New Beginnings

One of the biggest things that stalls my creative process is something very simple.  It is the failure to begin.  It is the hardest part of anything we do.  Beginning.  I can while away hours thinking , but until I put that first brush stroke on that paper,  cast those first stitches on the needles or write that first word, my creative muse sits idle. She polishes her nails, cleans out the junk drawer, or a mirade of sidetracking activities but she is going nowhere fast. Now I readily admit there is value to mulling things over, but I think it's real value comes after you have begun.
I think another thing that sidetracks my beginning is my insane perfectionism.
My need to get it right the first time.  That is so crazy!  In my heart of hearts, I know some of my best work has come out my my errors. Errors are a given.  Creativity is the land of do-overs, the fertil ground of what ifs and now whats.  I know I will make mistakes.  It is inevitable. 
I don't think I judge my creative work by what others think of it, but I sure am my own worst critic!  While inner critic helps us grow, it can also keep us from even beginning if we allow it to have free reign.
So my war cry is: let the games BEGIN!   Learn the art of play.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Restoring myself

It has been so very long since I have come here.  My life has been turned upside down since my last post and my creative muse has taken some hard blows.  But I think I see her peeking around the corner seeing if it is safe to come out.  I call her Suzie Q.   I wonder if she will recognize me.  I have aged physically and my arthritic hands struggle to play.  But perhaps she can see beyond those flaws and see the forever young part of me.
I would love to keep closer company with her in the days to come.
 I'm thinking I have been stuck in a rut because I have been limiting myself in creating to the ways I have always done.
Miss Suzie Q is hinting to me that creativity has many faces that I have not even dreamed of.  That is why there is never time for boredom.
My body may be crumbling, but my mind is clear.  I may not be able to garden any longer but I can enjoy the Flora around me.  Colored pencil art may be hard with my arthritic hands but watercoloring is still a possibilty.
I can knit, I can write via my computer and so much more.
My inner ears work fine too so I'm going to turn my ears to Miss Q's voice.  I bet if I begin to listen, she will take me places,I never imagined!
Hope you will come along for the ride.